I walked into my hostel and i thot i was in the storage or something cos i seriously did not want to believe the mad house i just walked into was gon be my place of abode for 21 days!! Holy mother of God!! there must ave been at least 50 bunks in there or so i delusionally thot!! Alas!! i joke! i found my number which was 015,luckily it was the last on my side so i had some privacy as far as conducting ur business within a one inch radius goes. i turned about to check the last number on the bunk opposite,thinking it would be 30 or something,i winced when i saw the number,i honestly thot my short-sightedness had kicked in again!i wore my glasses and the numbers stubbornly stared right back at me-134!!!
Not that i'm xenophobic or anything but c'mon! that tiny path you see is the one everyone squeezes thru every morning on the way to the bathroom,now that is another story entirely. whats even more annoying is about half of these girls either have cheap boyfriends or cheap toasters cos their phones go ballistic at night-yeah! fucking midnight calls! and wats sad is none of them has got phone manners in check so they talk like its 12noon on a sunday and they at the park for a picnic when really its 2am in the room in a room with other ppl. did i forget to mention that the bloody soldiers wake us up at 4am?!!!