Monday, August 9, 2010

Rhecks,Kudi and Love 2.

A lot of work went into finishing up this post because i'd started to think that maybe i was just being silly! I mean..this cannot possibly be the first nor only time i have talked about love or the lack of it! oh well! I feel like writing and i dont know how to leave my business unfinished...same way i cant end a call without saying goodbye...if it cuts off,i'll call back just to finish the convo properly..........i digress.
So when i say a lot of work went into finishing this post,i didnt carry hoe and cutlass o! its just that i went through thoughts of 'should i just delete the old post and start all over?' or "should i talk about something else?" Welcome to my world....
Anyhoo,i stopped with the story of meeting  and making friends with Rhecks then her fabulous self upped and left for Jand. Because i am wired in an annoying weird way,i couldnt make new friends...nobody was like Rhecks...she got me..Totally! And i carried on like that till 1998 when i walked into my Photo Journalism or was it Public Relations class and saw this cute chubby girl squinting hard at the board!! i went up to her and according to her (blame my sporadic amnesia),we got talking and she after my one million questions,she told me she came from Calabar.....i didn't get it! Why would you or anyone want to leave Calabar and come all the way to Abeokuta (in English means 'under the rock'...go figure!) I was intrigued...see my first friend..Rhecks..was a bit of a nomad so this girl from Calabar piqued my interest!! I was like Yay!! I noticed she squinted a bit and gave her my glasses,everything became clearer after that..she didnt know her sight was that bad.....(She still wears glasses till now,i think her sight's even worse than mine! hehehe!). We became friends after that..she later confessed to me that i was a bit annoying but she was tickled!! We've been friends for the past 12yrs....a godson for me now and a lovely husband for her.....

Hold on..i'm getting to my point now!!

Rhecks is back in the country now and we are still friends...shes got a great career and shes gonna be great although shes got her silly fears but i know this woman!! We might have grown apart over the years..but the core remains the same and i love her still.
Kudi's in Chicago now with her family. We talk everyday via BBM and call each other at least once or twice a week.

In total I've been friends with these women for about 15yrs and my love for them has not faltered! i am probably one of the most annoying human beings i have ever met...Rhecks even had it easy..she was in the U.K...she didn't have to experience my madness first hand...Kudi on the other hand...phew!! I swear i dont know how shes been doing it but this woman gets me and shes one of the few people i actually listen to (she didnt know this before o!!!) not even my Dad has this kind of influence on me and hes the only parent i have left and when he is not annoying..he is the best! it is...!

My point is ...if these two can tolerate me and love me like they do without asking me to change who i am,why cant i find and be with a man who loves me just as much and even better cos i mean sex is part of his package..No?
I love these two just as much as they do me and i will do almost anything for them. They get me and i get them. We fight but ultimately,we know nothing's bigger than the friendship we shared and we've shared. We have drank garri together and eaten at expensive restaurants together..............we have cried and laughed.......but we are still standing......a lot of things have come and go ...age/men/other friends/money/work/life...but we are still here.

Maybe i am naive but shouldnt love with a man be this easy. I love this man and this man loves me...i will be faithful to him and him,me. He will piss me the f**k off  and i might want to smash his head against something hard but i love him too much to hurt him........we would shout at each other but i wont go to bed without talking about it cos theres nothing more important than our love and happiness. I love him and he is my best friend and i can be myself around him...we would work together to make a success of everything..our marriage,our children...our home...his job.... When he calls,i will answer....i will be his woman,his best friend and lover...... i will be his freak in the bed and the lady by his side!! He will be my brother,my best friend and my lover!

Oh well! We cant have everything thats why God created best friends. Thank you Rhecks and Kudirat. Your love and friendship has shown me love is different dimensions.